Monday, April 26, 2010

The Aeneid: Book IV

1. Line 3: consumed by the fire buried in her heart. Line 68: These were the words that fanned her sister's fire. Virgil is trying to say that Dido's love is very strong and powerful because when you think of fire, you think of powerful flames that can burn anything in a second.
2. Aeneas and Dido are going on a hunt, and Juno is going to send a storm at first light so that Aeneas and Dido will have to go to a cave. Juno is going to be waiting, and she is going to bind Aeneas and Dido in lasting marriage. Line 149: I'll shower down a cloudburst, hail, black driving rain.
3. Mercury basically chews Aeneas out, so he got scared. Mercury tells Aeneas that his fate is bad. This scares Aeneas so he considers leaving Carthage. Line 330-331: Mercury lashes out at once: "You , so now you lay foundation stones for the soaring walls of Carthage!"
4. Aeneas tells Dido that Apollo's oracle says that he must seize on Italy's noble land. Line 431-432: Grynean Apollo's oracle says that I must seize on Italy's noble land.
5. Dido says that her ghost will stalk Aeneas, and she says she will hound him with pitch-black flames. Lines 482-483: I'll hound you then with pitch-black flames. Lines 484-485: then my ghost will stalk you through the world!.
6. I would have used low-key lighting and a high angle because those two techniques would show that Dido was weak, and that there were dark and scary things going on. Line 824-825: her women see her doubled over the sword, the blood foaming over the blade.

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