Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Odyssey book 5

1. The smell of cedar Line 66-blazed on the hearth and the smell of cedar. Line 78 Four springs in a row bubbling clear and cold. This shows both feeling and hearing. The bubbling for the hearing and the cold for the feeling. Line 80 Soft meadows spreading round were starred with violets. This shows sight.
2. Hermes finds Calypso in her home which is inside of a cave on her island. Line 64- and he found her there inside(of her cave). Odyssues is on the headland. Line 93-Off he sat on the headland, weeping there as always.
3. Calypso accuses the god of being jealous when goddesses sleep with mortals. Line 132- Scandalized when goddesses sleep with mortals.
4. Calypso will give Odyssues food, water, clothing, and a stiff following wind. Lines 184-186-And i myself will stock her with food and water, ruddy wine to your taste-all to stave off hunger-give you clothing, send you a stiff following wind.
5. He shudders and protests against Calypso because he thinks she is plotting against him. Line 190-191 -Long-enduring Odysseus shuddered at that and broke out in a sharp flight of protest.
6. Line 40 who with all their hearts wil prize him like a god

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