Monday, March 22, 2010

The Odyssey Books 7 and 8

1. The thought that Alcinous had which he said that the people and the gods are too close kin now. Line 240 - 241 Even when some lonely traveler meets them on the roads, they never disguise themselves. We're too close kin for that.
2. 10 days Line 291-292 drifted along nine days. On the tenth, at dead of night, the gods cast me up on Ogygia, Calypso's island.
3. She didn't escort Odysseus to the king's house with all her maids. Line 344 She never escorted you to our house with all her maids.
4. Odysseus said that he didn't want Alcinous to take offense that Odysseus was with his daughter. Line 351 what if you took offense, seeing us both together?
5. The meaning of the song is that the gods have control over what happens over the mortals. Line 93 For this was the victory sign that Apollo prophesied. Line 98 thanks to the will of Zeus who rules the world.
6. The tale of the Wooden Horse. Line 552 But come now, shift your ground. Sing of the Wooden Horse.
7. Line 585-588 but great Odysseus melted into tears, running down from his eyes to wet his cheeks... as a woman weeps, her arms flung round her darling husband.

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