Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Old: In the Odyssey, Penelope is a weak character. In line 410 of book one, Penelope's son tells her what to do, and in line 415, she obeys him. This shows that Penelope is a weak character because she obeys her son, and she does not even try to fight back. She is the mother, therefore she is supposed to tell her son what to do, not the other way around.

New: Penelope is a powerless charachter in the Odyssey. In line 410 of book one, Penelope is bossed around by her son, and she obeys him with no objection. This shows that she is a powerless character because she does not make an attempt to object to her son about being bossed around. This also shows she is powerless because in most familys, the mother has more power than the son, therefore she should have more power over him.

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